
Thursday, August 29, 2013

And They Wore Hats....

The redheaded ladies...
Hats adorned with feathers and ribbons and lemons...
One sparkly redhead even wore a CEMENT BLOCK on her head...
And they paraded along Main Street as though they OWNED IT....
as though they OWNED MAIN STREET...
For the ONLY establishments OPEN on this particular, GREY MORNING of the parade
were Hat Stores,,,,
Hat Makers and off-the-rack Hat shops lined the streets of the small,seaside town....
MANY of the redheads were nibbling on Rhubarb as they strutted their stuff ....
being cheered on by HOARDS of Beachcombers and Religious Emissaries...
And well...
The rest ??
I'll have to ponder that....


Friday, August 23, 2013

And she lived NOT in a Cage Made of Golden Bars,,,,

But rather....
in a BOX....
made of driftwood and glue....
They had, at some point,
clearly snuck into her BOX and painted it YELLOW...
NOT the yellow symbolic of FEAR or TIMID CONSTERNATION...
The Yellow of BABY CLOTHING...
and BUTTER...
and Sunlight with a cloud just barely in front of....
NOT blocking its light, but sensitizing it in a way...
making it a tad DEMURE...DEFUSED...
Defused Butter...
In any case, she had not chosen the box, as ordinary people choose their homes...
IT had chosen HER...
And it had TRAVELED....(the BOX)
She suspected that it had originated in the Hamptons....
and made its way to FLORIDA...
(as Hampton-ites tend to do!)
And somehow, LO and BEHOLD.....
The box had LANDED.......Ker PLUNK !!!
in the Hudson River....en route to...
Ya ready ???
NEW JERSEY ???  (of all places)...
She had instantly moved in...
being a nomad in Jersey herself....
and well...
The rest ??
Le reste appartient à l'histoire...


Saturday, August 10, 2013

Unicorn Woman.. (for Ellen)

Some way...
She seems to have gotten there before WE did...
What evidence do we have to lend CREDENCE to this wildly exotic finding, you ask ?
Here's an anecdote:
We painted a Reddish Blond woman walking on the Upper East Side in a green coat...
At the time of inception, we, of course, had no clue, (as per usual), WHO this woman was...
For all we knew, she was just another figment of our VOLUPTUOUS IMAGINATION...
LO and BEHOLD, many months later,,,,,
the ACTUAL Strawberry Lady APPEARED !!!
Green coat and ALL !!
Did we CONJURE her in our cauldron of color and shape ??
OR......(Big OR)
Did SHE conjure US ???
 as we stood agape...
watching this woman (whom we had RENDERED with OUR BRUSH),
come to life...
we realized that there were indeed COSMIC FORCES at play...


Monday, August 5, 2013


So the "Germans" pay a small monthly pension to the survivors, as you all know..(Reparations)
And my mom gets a nominal amount...
(Considering that the NAZIS murdered half her family)
And every year they require a "Proof of Life" certificate, which requires mom to go to the notary with me, etc...
(which we did, even though she can barely walk!)
And every year, this GERMAN guy writes these "ADDED" ...letters, saying they need for proof from Drs , etc...
So rather than being POLITE, which will NEVER occur when dealing with these swines, I wrote him a letter back saying simply,
"Must I remind you, YET AGAIN, that YOUR people MURDERED HER FAMILY? I'm sure my friends at the New York Times would LOVE to know
how much CONSTANT VERIFICATION you require.." >>>>>>