
Saturday, July 27, 2013

On Simpatico....

There are those,,,,,
 I'm here to tell you...
And conversely, of course, those who simply DON'T...
And the thing is...
You cannot TEACH "GETTING IT"...
It's an innate component.....
Even further...
Once one realizes that someone else "GETS IT"...
said "like mind" must be harvested and crop-dusted in appropriate stages...
Even though they APPEAR to GET IT....
they may very well be AFRAID of the ramifications embedded therein...
GETTING IT, after all...
is NOT always the stance of choice...
It may, in point of fact,
 be very lonely at the top of the ESOTERICA LADDER...
and actually somewhat damp up there among the Cirrus clouds....
It's probably MUCH more comfortable and NON-THREATENING down below...
in the "Public Picnic Area" for UN-like minds....
In fact,,,,
once in awhile,,,,,
one can actually catch an AERIAL VIEW of the Relay Races and Barbecued Meat being served
Bland Condiments GALORE !!
Oh, yes....
But perhaps lacking a bit of TABASCO ?

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Unbelievable Story !!!

So, I was in a parking lot a few hours ago...walking into a store....
And I saw an old woman standing by a car, looking confused...
And the parking lot was very crowded..
And there was something...uhhh...'familiar' about her...
Anyway, I stopped and asked if she needed help...
And she said, "Youre so sweet...What a nice girl..Thank you..."
And she points to an old man walking around kind of aimlessly...
And she says, "There's my husband..He probably forgot where we parked.."
So I went and got him, and I began speaking Yiddish with them because I picked up immediately on their Polish accents...
And it turns out...
Ya ready for this ???
The man was in Auschwitz with MY FATHER !!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 22, 2013

On Wearing "Boxing Gloves" ALL the Time.....

They are perched...
at the ready...
awaiting the STORM....
the FIGHT....
They are SO ready, in point of fact,
to just hall off and DUKE it out,,,,,
that their minds have actually LOST SIGHT of what it is they are about to defend !!
They are perpetually on the DEFENSIVE...
They are ENRAGED about:
MUSIC !!! (yikes)
They think :
This one's too SEXY...
This one's too HAPPY...
That it's all just a BIG, FREAKING ABOMINATION...
And that we have morphed, UNBEKNOWNST to us,
into BAD, DOOMED Citizens....
But...HERE'S WHAT....silly naive...
You are SO BUSY being angry...
and boasting about your "Godliness"...
that you have forgotten GOD entirely...
You just sit on your ass in your Middle American Tower...
(The tower is made of LOGS,,,,NOT "IVORY" alas...)
And you go to your dark, mundane office on the daily...
And after a dinner of probable SPAM and
you take that JUDGEMENTAL ASS to your DRAB, ACTION-LESS bedroom...
where you sit behind your antiquated laptop...
and proceed to PONTIFICATE to your CYBER-FAMILY...
about how YOU, because of your EXCEPTIONAL PIETY, will be saved...
Now, I ask you, Princessa...
What's wrong with this picture ?

Monday, July 15, 2013

On QUOTING Scripture, but not LIVING Scripture...

Have you ever been in the position of knowing a person for a long time,
and kind of "overlooking" certain traits that you found,
for the sake of....
 I don't really know what SAKE it was for!
But suffice it to say that we, at times, find ourselves in situations that we probably should
NEVER have created in the first place...
And make NO MISTAKE...
We DID create them....
For some weird reason, we lent our "overly-loaded" ears to superfluous hoo-haa...
when in actuality,
we were SO busy with SO many REALLY IMPORTANT things...
But somehow we became TRAPPED in a cage of DOGMA being spat at us...
HURLED at us really.....
from some trashy, IVORY-esque tower,,,,
Strange, but true....
And during these "BROO-HAA" sessions,,,
we had become increasingly AWARE of the
HUMONGOUS,RED FLAGS perched just behind our FRONTAL LOBE...
And for a BRIEF MOMENT ...(a few years actually!!!!)
we IGNORED those flags......
And then one fine and glorious day,,,
we awakened from our COMA......
only to realize,,,,
and we wanted OUT...
We don't LIKE those pseudo-pious haters of GAY People....
We can't STAND their STAND on CHOICE....
In fact, we DETEST those viewpoints...
We think back on the time we've spent with them...
and we realize. full well,
 that we have NEVER,
 but NEVER,,,
heard of ONE, SINGLE, KIND or CHARITABLE act they had actually DONE....
They were QUOTING SCRIPTURE right and left...
But they were never LIVING SCRIPTURE......
And in the BAT of an "EYELASH",,,,
we FREE ourselves...
just like that......

Saturday, July 13, 2013

OK ... I GET IT......

I heard that a woman who works as a waitress in a Kosher Deli that Brendan and I frequent was
diagnosed with lung cancer a short time ago...
It's Stage 4, and there is virtually NO HOPE...
She's a lovely woman,,,,came to my last kind to Brendan...
I felt SO bad when I heard...SO bad...
So I decided that I would pay her a visit in the hospital while I still can...
I went there...she was overjoyed to see me....and it was really very nice...
Long story short...
I have a pretty advanced Reiki Certification,,, which I rarely talk about...or even think about...
I also come from a pretty extraordinary line of "Healers"...
(Those of you who knew my brother KNOW THIS...)
In any case, while we sat and talked, I had a very EMPHATIC need to put my hands near her tumors..and I asked if she would mind...and she was Thrilled actually...
Now her sister was present as well, and her sister began weeping terribly....
Apparently, she had been "PRAYING TO JESUS CHRIST" (I'm quoting)
for a miracle just MOMENTS before I entered the room...
Needles to say, she felt profoundly that I, in fact, possessed the ability to "work that miracle"..
and that God had indeed answered her prayer...
All I knew was that I just HAD to place my hands onto the spots which I was feeling compelled by...
I did ...
And I ended up putting my face onto the spots as well...
And I felt , in a way, that I was almost SUCKING the death OUT of her system...
IMPOSSIBLE to explain in anthropomorphic terms really...
But POSITIVELY the feeling that I had....
To the extent, that I actually FORGOT where I was entirely....
I came very, very close to blacking out...became literally EXHAUSTED...
I had given EVERYTHING I had to making a difference in the woman's story....
When I looked up, her face was serene in a way that told me she somehow felt better...
Not ONE MINUTE LATER, a nurse came running down the hall into the room to say that she
needed to take the woman immediately to a new test the Doctor had JUST ordered...
The timing was weird, as the sister told me that they always alerted them 24 hours in advance of any tests being scheduled, so this was "NOT NORMAL"....
I kissed her and left the hospital......

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Have you ever been helplessly watching a TRAIN WRECK about to happen ??

And you KNOW it's gonna be some crazy shit, ,,
you KNOW it...
But you are HELPLESS to stop it,,,,,,
even though you REALLY want to  ....
Because NOBODY's LISTENING !!!!!
Have you ever been in that situation ?
And to boot, YOU yourself, SOMEHOW,,,,
 are becoming a strangely injured party in the inevitable wreckage..
 BEFORE it occurs...
Are you following this "train"(lol) of thought ?
 EVERYTHING you attempt to say to stop the EXACERBATION of the bad situation...
comes out sounding as if YOU are the CAUSE of the thing.......
Ohhhh,,,,the INJUSTICE of it all...

Thursday, July 4, 2013

What does INDEPENDENCE mean to you ?

A concept with myriad meanings...

Is Independence the "ability to stand ALONE" ?
Autonomously ?
Is it the BREAK from some kind of "Puppet Master" ?
The novelty of having no Authoritative Body 'governing' ones moves  ?

Is Independence a GOOD THING ?
Always ?
Is it a LONELY state to be in ?
A MATURE state ?
A STUBBORN state ?

What does Independence mean to YOU ?

Monday, July 1, 2013

The Cemented Position..

We spend our days...our LIVES really...
perpetuating the MYTH that we are actually ASPIRING to CHANGE...
to GROW...
We are the first ones in the YOGA STUDIO,
placing our mats QUIETLY, yet deliberately, on the floor...(crossing NO boundaries)
(mindful of others' PERSONAL SPACE) !
And for some ABSURD REASON, we actually tell ourselves that as a RESULT of our 'practice'...
   we will become: Better PEOPLE
                               Better WIVES
                               Better MOTHERS
                               Better FRIENDS
As I'm typing this, I'm chuckling at the RIDICULOUSNESS of this statement...
But make no mistake, my friends...
There are COUNTLESS people who do the aforementioned EVERY DAY,
believing sincerely that their souls will somehow ASCEND...ILLUMINATE even..
Granted, the body will look "KICK-ASS" after the question....
But the SOUL ???
Really ??