
Saturday, July 13, 2013

OK ... I GET IT......

I heard that a woman who works as a waitress in a Kosher Deli that Brendan and I frequent was
diagnosed with lung cancer a short time ago...
It's Stage 4, and there is virtually NO HOPE...
She's a lovely woman,,,,came to my last kind to Brendan...
I felt SO bad when I heard...SO bad...
So I decided that I would pay her a visit in the hospital while I still can...
I went there...she was overjoyed to see me....and it was really very nice...
Long story short...
I have a pretty advanced Reiki Certification,,, which I rarely talk about...or even think about...
I also come from a pretty extraordinary line of "Healers"...
(Those of you who knew my brother KNOW THIS...)
In any case, while we sat and talked, I had a very EMPHATIC need to put my hands near her tumors..and I asked if she would mind...and she was Thrilled actually...
Now her sister was present as well, and her sister began weeping terribly....
Apparently, she had been "PRAYING TO JESUS CHRIST" (I'm quoting)
for a miracle just MOMENTS before I entered the room...
Needles to say, she felt profoundly that I, in fact, possessed the ability to "work that miracle"..
and that God had indeed answered her prayer...
All I knew was that I just HAD to place my hands onto the spots which I was feeling compelled by...
I did ...
And I ended up putting my face onto the spots as well...
And I felt , in a way, that I was almost SUCKING the death OUT of her system...
IMPOSSIBLE to explain in anthropomorphic terms really...
But POSITIVELY the feeling that I had....
To the extent, that I actually FORGOT where I was entirely....
I came very, very close to blacking out...became literally EXHAUSTED...
I had given EVERYTHING I had to making a difference in the woman's story....
When I looked up, her face was serene in a way that told me she somehow felt better...
Not ONE MINUTE LATER, a nurse came running down the hall into the room to say that she
needed to take the woman immediately to a new test the Doctor had JUST ordered...
The timing was weird, as the sister told me that they always alerted them 24 hours in advance of any tests being scheduled, so this was "NOT NORMAL"....
I kissed her and left the hospital......

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